
Showing posts from January, 2023

1/31/23- Reflection

 Today class was cut short for me due to my junior meeting at 2.

1/30/23 - Reflection

 Today we started brainstorming a group project we was introduced about. We’re required to create a ap essay question. My group topic is social media effects & implications. Out of the subtopics, we chose insecurity.

1/27/23 - Reflection

 Today we read about gun violence and its victims. Ages 15-24 were the most common gun violence victims in each state. Most of the victims are of the black community so we wrote a paragraph about how we felt about the situation.

1/26/23 - Reflection

 Today I left class early due to a reading party but before I left, they seemed to be working on a prompt.

1/25/23 - Reflection

 For the first 20 minutes of class, we did a 15 question homework quiz on chapter 5 of our book. Though I read it the night before, I forgot everything by the time I got to class. After, we read & went over the answers to the homework quiz.

1/24/23 - reflection

 Today in Mr. Rease class, we analyzed a AP exam prompt. The prompt was about public libraries. There was 6 sources: 2 statistics, 1 narrative, 1 about cutting down on libraries,  and the rest about information. Today we were assigned homework: read chapter 5 of Wild.

1/23/23- Reflection

 Today Mr.Rease was out and we had to work on the 20 questions. I didn’t get to complete all but i got up to 17.

1/20/23 - Reflection

 Today we read more of our book and answered some questions. Due to Mr.Rease not being here Monday, we will continue it then.

1/19/23 - Reflection

I left school early

1/18/23- Reflection

 Today we started off reading our book “Wild” and completing a chart. Surprisingly, this took up the whole class. But our chart contained of 4 themes, important words/definitions, & a actions/cause/effect chart.

1/17/22 -Reflection

 Today, I’ve arrived late to school making me miss 2 & half classes due to a dr appointment. But fortunately, I made it on time for Mr.Rease class. Today we split up in groups to research the pct. My group, group 3, researched and created a travel itinerary. We researched the flight, food, hotel, etc.

Reflection - 1/13/23

 Today in Mr. Rease class was very chill. We started off with our bell ringer. The bell ringer question was “Would you want to rewrite your past?” I said yes because of course I would. Later, we continued reading our book “Wild” and started analyzing it. While Analyzing, we wrote questions based on what we read: half pages & full page.

Bell Ringer - 1/13/23

 One thing I would rewrite about my past is my grandma dying. I feel like if my grandma didn’t die, I would’ve been way farther & better in life. Since she’s died, my whole life changed. I’ve been getting in trouble more, beefing with my mom, etc. But I know if she was here, she would’ve bonded us back together like before.

Reflection- 1/12/23

 Today in Mr. Rease class started off with a bang due to a fight in the halls. Once the class settled down, we did a bell ringer based off of being alone. I learned that some of my fellow classes love to be alone while some do not. Further on, we watched a video on how being alone is empowering to others. After, we discussed more about how empowering it is to be alone. Lastly, we continued reading our book “Wild”.


 Pros: time to be honest with yourself, no one to bother you, peace, limit distractions, recharge your brain, learn yourself, figure out who you are, don’t have to worry about others no judgement Cons: lose a sense of people, not good for your mental health, feel isolated, nobody to discuss your emotions or problems with, really see your insecurities, boredom    Being alone could be very empowering because you can be very productive. For example, when I’m alone, I tend to get a lot done including homework. But when I’m not, I tend to get very distracted.

Reflection- 1/11/23

 Today in Mr.Rease class, we started off discussing rhetorical devices. We worked on rhetorical questions For example: “Is water wet?” is a rhetorical question because it results in a “yes” or “no” answer. Later on in the class, we discussed more about hiking and started chapter 1 of the book. So far, we’ve learned her preparation for the hike. She quit her job, finalized her divorce, say “goodbye” to her friends, and visited her mom’s grave.

Reflection- 1/10/22

 Today Mr.Rease class was cut short due to a class meeting/assembly.  But before, we did a bell ringer about a life changing experience we’ve gone through. This related to the new book we’re reading/starting called “Wild” by Cheryl Straying. She goes on a hike to cleanse herself and we were allowed to make self connections. I would personally never do that since I’m scared.

Bell Ringer - 1/10/22

 A time that felt like my life changed completely was when my grandma died. I wanted to go back in time in a time machine and at least talk to her before her final moments. But instead, I was miles away in class and cried as soon as I got the message. 

Reflection - 1/9/22

 Today we learned survival skills and 10 items to bring on a 7 month hike. The topic relates to the new book we’re reading called “Wild.” I would never go on a hike for 7 months but the experience seems very fun, yet dangerous.

Bell Ringer - 1/9/23

- Hyperbole 1. I’m so hungry, I could eat an entire cow. 2. My stomach is killing me. - Litote 1. Studying is not a bad idea. 2. The new restaurant wasn’t that delightful. - Understatement 1. I did ok on the test. 2. The meal was not that expensive.

1/4/22 - Reflection

 1st semester was a very bumpy road. I was a procrastinator and would tend to not end up doing the work. I can improve this by thinking ahead and doing my work right then and there. Some things I did in 2022 was lie, turn in work VERY late, & not study for tests. Now that it’s 2023, I plan to do the opposite, except lie. I can see myself still lying to be honest. Mr. Rease could help me more with preparing for tests and gathering attention.