
Showing posts from February, 2023

2/28/23 - Reflection

Today in Mr. Rease class, we focused on our sources again. 20 minutes into the class, I had to go get my ap tests paper to pay for it. In my opinion, I shouldn’t have to pay for a test that I didn’t want to do or sign on the paper for but it’s whatever. For our sources, we made bibliographies. Today, only 1 was due.

2/27/23 - Reflection

 Since Mr. Rease wasn’t here, I used the class period to catch up on any missing assignments or work in general.

2/24/23- Reflection

 Today in class, we evaluated our sources as a group. We started off with images. For image, we chose Alexus’s. Next we did magazine & chose Alexus again. For days, we chose Ayat. Next we’re deciding on academic journals.

2/23/23 - Reflection

 Today we started off class with the discussion of the grim reaper situation. Today the school discussed drunk driving, etc. But during class, we continued our group project. At the end of the day, we should have 7 sources.

2/22/23 - Reflection

 Today we started off class with the continuation of presenting our projects. After presenting, we watched a document called America’s Black Upper Class. I’ve learned more about the black community & black owned businesses. They’re very underrated & unsupported which is very sad.

2/21/23 - Reflection

 Today we spent time on presenting our projects. At first we used the wheel until Mr. Rease said “forget it” & started picking people. I like how much my fellow classmates showed creativity with the images & transitions.

2/16/23 - Reflection

 Let me start off by saying “Happy Birthday Melissa! (my mom)”. Today in Mr. Rease class, it was announced that our project is due tomorrow at 1. We are instructed to email the project or put it in our sources drive. Later on in the class, we worked on humorists & if their jokes are controversial or not. For example, we used Dave Chapelle.

2/15/23- Reflection

 Since Mr. Rease was out today, we worked on our projects.

2/14/23 - Reflection

Today we were instructed to tape a copy paper on our backs & go around and write positive things about each other. Some of mines were “very sweet”, “big drip kaylaa!”, “always make me laugh”, etc. When i read them, i smiled because that’s very sweet of them to put. I never knew people thought of me in this way.

2/13/23 - Reflection

 Today in class we analyzed a poem. The poem was “The Black Family Pledge” by Maya Angelou. Before analyzing, we were introduced a project. The project is very easy & i believe due on the 16th but I have no clue. The project is to do a slide presentation on black owned businesses in ATL. Mr. Rease told us that he would be out wednesday and to work on the project in the mean time.

2/10/23 - Reflection

 Today we continued working on our project. Out of the 10 sources, today we focused on an image & magazine. Before getting started, Ms. Griffin came in & gave us the rest of her popcorn & cookies. The cookies were peanut butter flavored & butter popcorn. Back to the topic, for the image we were recommended a website to help us cite the image.

2/9/23 - Reflection

 Today in Mr. Rease class, we continued working on our research. We turned in our homework of 1 source & started working on the others. Today we researched for a news article & another journal article putting it into our drive. At the start of class, I needed help and had to ask for my assistance but now I caught up so I’m good for the next task.

2/8/23 - Reflection

 Today in Mr. Rease class, we focused on finding 7 quotes for our chapter. Today’s chapter is chapter 7. Since chapter 7 is “The Only Girl In The Woods” we found & wrote 7 quotes that support the chapter name.

2/7/23 - Reflection

 Today in class we went over sources & how to find it. It’s a whole procedure but sadly I can’t do it on my phone. The assignment is to find 10 sources so when i get home, I’ll find the 10 sources for my group topic. Like stated before, my group topic is social media & implications.

2/6/23 - Reflection

 Today in class we went over our group questions & had a group discussion. We started step 3 which was create 10 argumentative essays on our topics. My group topic is Social Media effects & implications. Our main focus is the positive & negative effects/views you get from social media. Out of the 10 questions, my group created 5 and narrowed it down to 1.

2/3/23 - Reflection

 Today in Mr. Rease class, we all went over our 10 questions. We went in order. For my group, we went over question 2. Question 2 is “ Why didn’t Cheryl give up, when she fell and hurt her knee?”. The class answered and we compared the situation to ourselves.

2/2/23 - Reflection

 Today we had a fire drill that lasted about 45 minutes. It seemed serious since the fire truck & had plenty of police. Eventually the day goes on and we make it to Mr. Rease class. We started off with Mr. Rease teaching us how to correctly research. Later on within the day, it was pretty chill after we submitted the 10 questions.

2/1/23 - Reflection

 Today we focused on our groups. We were instructed to write our question & my group finished. Other than that, the class went by smoothly. Ms. Reed came and we reminisced our old middle school memories lol.